Villa Della Porta - #1042
- Designer: Boyatt Design
- House Plan Reference Number: 1045 VILLA DELLA PORTA
- Style of House (please circle 2):Mediterranean
- Does the house have a view to the rear (glass) (circle one):Yes
- Fireplace (circle one):Yes
- Split Bedrooms (circle one):Yes
- Finished Basement Heated:
- First Floor Heated: 5,113 sq ft
- Second Floor Heated:
- Third Floor Heated:
- Bonus Square Footage:
- Total Heated Square Footage (excluding bonus): 5,113 sq ft
- Number of Bedrooms: 4
- Number of Bathrooms: 4.5
- Number of Floors: 1
- Master Bedroom (circle one):1st Floor
- Garage (circle one): 3 car
- Garage Type (if applicable):SideEntryRight (Angle)
- Width of House (round up): 107'-6"
- Depth of House (round up): 125'-8"
- Ceiling Height at First Floor (circle one):10', 11', 12', 13', 14'
- Foundations Types Available (circle all options):Slab